Col. 3:2- "Set your affections on things above, not on earthly things." Phil.10:31-"Wether therefore you eat or drink or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God."How do you choose? It's not too late! January 1st isn't a magical day in which you must have your word all set in stone for the year. I think that's all in our heads. I'd love to hear your word or phrase of the year. How you came to choose your word and what your hoping to accomplish! Picking a word isn't a must, but it's been a good thing in my life. It helps me to think on the things I want to pursue or accomplish throughout the whole year and not just in the month of January. Here's to a beautiful 2018, the good and the hard. God is in it all!
I thought of Healing. I struggle with various issues I want to see Healing in. I’m working toward that. Some days I think I’m making progress. But Healing doesn’t quite cut it. I don’t just want to be healed I want to THRIVE.
I’m working on “Silence” as my word. But I also have a sentence, “God, what do You want me to do today?” which pretty much requires silence to hear His answer, lol. The question was in a devotional message which literally jumped out at me.