“My kids don’t need a SuperMama. They need to see a Mama who needs a Super God.”
OH HOW I NEED HIM! This thought brings me to another sermon by our other elder, Owen. I wish I had notes from this sermon! He used a term that I've grown to use and love. He said that a good leader leads on his/her knees in humble repentance. This is a leader that can be followed. I have been praying that I can lead my boys during the day in this way, in humble repentance. What's that mean to me? Well, to me it's asking forgiveness when I fail to do things God's way. If I get upset or angry, don't discipline when I should(let things slide), lack patience, etc. (the list is endless.) I don't want perfection from them and they know mama isn't perfect. I'm trying to show them that we can never be perfect but, a sign of a true Christ follower is someone who repents and tries again. I've been studying 1 John with Noah and Titus during the day. It is a great book to read with your kids! It is so full of wise, helpful scripture verses when it comes to walking with the Lord.
These thoughts may seem scattered to some. I am trying to say....don't be discouraged when you aren't her. When you aren't that blogger you enjoy reading or even a friend that you admire. God made you... YOU! If you are a child of God, you are on your own walk with Him. We are all going through the process of sanctification at our own pace that He's set! I am sure that some of the bloggers you read don't really have a perfect life as it seems. They are human and struggle with sin. We all do. The key is to abide in Christ and to let Him lead you each day. When I start the day off wrong and don't ask for His help..I will fail quickly! Sometimes I will give the boys both a little something to do quietly while I go to my room and read my bible. Take even 15 minutes to re-focus! If I do mess up...repent. Being humble in front of them is a good thing! They will learn to ask forgiveness and to make things right if you do it when you fail. What good does it do to discipline your kids for being unkind or for ...you name it...if you are doing it yourself!? I've been there and done that! I'm guessing that offense was even learned from me! OUCH! That will make you re-think some things.
Let God lead you. Be a mama who walks with her kids in humble repentance. Be ready to say, "Forgive me?" Pray with them. They are watching and learning from us. I want them to hear the gospel daily and to see it through how we live.
"So your top priority as a parent is to be an evangelist in your home. You need to teach your children the law of God, show them their need for a Savior, and point them to Jesus Christ as the only One who can save them. If they grow up in your home without a keen awareness of their need for salvation, you have failed as a parent in your primary task as their spiritual leader. Teach them the gospel and ask God to perform His sovereign work of regeneration." John MacArthur
If you stumbled upon this post and are scratching your head and saying, "What does repentance mean?", here's a link you can read that will explain it. http://www.gty.org/resources/articles/A330/What-Is-Biblical-Repentance
Perfect mom? No. But, I am a mom trying to live out biblical womanhood and striving to be more like Christ. Don't look up to me or to any mama blogger thinking she's perfect or someone to copy. Copy Christ! Be like the one who won't disappoint you.
Ephesians 5: 1-2
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."