My sweet future sis-in-law reminded me of a powerful lesson I learned a few months ago from a dear friend.  Noel had written a note on Facebook that struck a deep cord in my heart.  Here is a small portion of her thoughts.
"In my own life this past year leading up to the wedding, how many times did I try to accomplish things in my own strength? How much more effective I could have been had I paused and asked for God’s help and sufficient grace and not tried to “prove” something to myself and to others that I could do it – though all I ended up proving was my inability."
My dear friend I was referring to is Ruth.  Ruth is 90 years old.  She is the most amazing Christian woman that I have ever met.  Whenever I visit her I take a notebook because she says the wisest things in our conversations.    A few months ago I needed some time alone.  I was struggling in my walk and I asked Shan for a few hours to just go out and get a break.  As I left God directed my steps(or the car).  I knew where I needed to go and who I needed to see...RUTH.  The rest home she lives in is not too far away, so I headed out.  As I went into her room and sat down I knew God was going to rock my world.  Literally.  I cried just listening to her tell me about her day.  She had tears in her eyes as she told me about her new job at the rest home.  A few days a month she signed up to fold napkins that hold silverware in them.  She and a few others take on this task to give them something to do.  She told me how her hands just weren't cooperating the way they should.  She was getting so frustrated because she couldn't do this job the way she wanted too.  She stopped.  "Jen, I didn't ask God to help me.  I was trying to do this work on my own, without His strength."  I was simply blown away!  She was folding napkins!!!!  Even in this small task she knew that without God she could do nothing in her own strength. Between my dear Ruth and my dear Noel,  God is working in me.  I know that I need Him daily, for each second.  I know that without Him I am nothing.  Without Him I am a horrible mother.   Without Him I am a nagging, whiney wife.  Pride is such an ugly thing.  To think that I can ever do anything in my own strength...pride. "God, be with me today.  Help me glorify You through each thing that I say and do.  Thank you for these two dear ladies and how their words came together to influence my heart to come to you on my knees.  I thank you for using them. Amen" Doing things on my own power and strength always end up the same failure! How about you? This is my lovely Noel in the above picture.  I really need to take a picture with Ruth soon.  I know it's a picture I will treasure!

About Jennifer

Hello there! I’m Jennifer and Welcome to my website – A Home with Purpose. My passion is sharing Christ’s Love and recipes with my Trim Healthy Mama friends. Learn more about me here...

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