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[…] little Hiccup in the Journey has been tough. I’ll say tougher than I expected. There’s only one way that I will […]
I always appreciate your honesty and willingness to share all the aspects of your individual journey in an effort to encourage others who might have slightly different Trim Healthy Mama roads. *hugs to you*
Thank you, Amanda! I’m thankful for your friendship and encouragement.
You go girl! Hope you find the culprits!!
Hey, the link to healthonelabs doesn’t seem to work…..
I think I got it fixed! Thank you!
Yes, perfect! Thank you!
I hope this part of your journey goes smoothly. It is never easy giving things up or finding out that there are underlying issues. Your courage in this is admirable as well as inspiring to others. My this part of your journey be blessed with success.
Thank you, Judy!! I appreciate it!
you are always inspiring & have helped me in so many ways. we do all have different health ‘issues’ & I’m thankful for those that share their journey in them so others can benefit. it is not easy for anyone.
blessings to you.
Thank you, Lisa!! <3
Thank you, Jennifer. We love you and pray as you embark on your new journey to health.
You are a love!! 🙂
I hope this cleanse goes well and helps you figure out what’s affecting you!
Thank you, Carolyn!!
Good luck in taking the journey and for your honesty I think sometimes everyone posts about the glass full and people don’t see the struggles and wonder why am I having such a hard time. It is great that you are being real so people like myself see others in a similar boat. I just went gluten free about 7 months ago so I am learning the how to’s in that, I too have several autoimmune disorders such as hashimoto’s, interstitial cystitis,pelvic floor dysfunction, endometrosis, Raynaud’s disease and not to mention neck and back issues…so I understand..Good luck in your recovery and know that it is an ongoing issue…so keep it up!!!
Angelia, Thanks for sharing your story as well. I’m glad being real helps. It is certainly a road of ups and downs!
Thank you for the incredible encouragement and candor sweet sis..may He continue to bless you mightily on your healing journey.
Thank you, Denise! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, you give me great hope in my long journey that to me should be a short one!!!!
Karen, <3
Have you considered essential oils? I have a lot of hormone issues too and have found that by using essential oils things are beginning to balance out for me in that area. More and more doctors are becoming aware of the health benefits of essential oils. You might consider checking with your doctor regarding that option as well. Also, check out http://www.youngliving.com and use member# 1842108 if you decide to give it a go. Good luck in finding the answers you need to become a healthier, better you!
Yes, Kammie, I’m already a distributor and my doctor does use them as well.
Dear Jennifer,
Huge hugs! I can’t begin, well, I can try, to tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I have been in a 13 month stall with weight loss with THM. Like you, this is the best way to health, and weight loss I have ever done. When I stay on plan, I feel great! When I go off plan. I don’t. I pray you find out what’s wrong. I would appreciate prayers too! I was able to have all the blood work done, and everything comes back in normal ranges. I have not been diagnosed with anything, so can’t say other reasons for stalling. But with your sharing … It gives me the inspiration to begin asking more questions. Thank you so very much Jennifer. So very. Whenever you post, I just could hug you, and wish we could talk face to face. Love, hugs and prayers sent.
Donna, def look into food intolerances if your other levels seem okay!
Jennifer you are always such an inspiration to me!! Thank you for sharing. I pray the weeks ahead prove wonderful results. God bless you!!
Thank you, Beth! 🙂
Bless you, Jennifer! You are on an exciting (tough) road and I’m so grateful that you’ve shared it with us. Praying for you, and, one day at a time. 🙂
Thank you sweet Connie!
You’ll get it! We are all uniquely made. The Lord will direct your path… Mine looked like a roller coaster in the past…praying and hoping for a better future!
Thank you Diana! 😉
Jennifer–Are you doing what is called the Elimination Diet? It sounds like it. You take out all food that could possibly cause problems and then after everything is out of your system, slowly add them back in. My doctor wants me to do that and I know I probably need to, but it seems so overwhelming. I’ve been doing THM for a little over a year now and wish I could put up the big numbers like so many have, but that would have taken better understanding and more discipline. But I have lost 35 pounds and that’s nothing to sneeze at. The Elimination Diet would take away many of the things that have enabled me to have some measure of success. I know it’s only a temporary thing, but I’m still finding it hard to commit. Is there any chance that you have a menu plan figured out and if so would you be willing to share it? You’ve been such an encouragement with sharing your story. Thanks so much!
Thanks for your honesty! You are putting so much into your health and wellness. I appreciate you pioneering you way through all these new tests, treatments etc.. I pray others, including me, are blessed with the ability to better our health because of your transparency.❤️❤️
Thank you Rachael! That would be wonderful!
Blessings, Jennifer! I pray you find the answers you are seeking.
Thanks so much Bonnie!
I think it’s really great that you are doing this! We are all so uniquely different:). When I started THM, it was a different mindset than in the past because for once I DIDN’T start a “new program” by doing a “cleanse” or even a strict guideline plan! Yet, we sometimes find in our journeys that we DO need to stop and give extra attention to cleansing an area that may be hindering our process. I feel like you are going to learn so much about what YOUR body needs through these days. It won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding. You can do this! If I could offer any advice, I would just say that when you do add dairy, you might find that your body reacts more negatively to highly processed products, but it is more favorable to raw milk cream, etc. I notice a difference for myself when I make stuff from raw milk at home. Kinda like how my body can tolerate sprouted and sourdoughed grains but not regular as much. Not sure what your access is like where you are, but PA has licensed sellers. But, hey, so happy to read this:))) You are gonna shine!
Thanks for your input, Lisa! I do have access to raw milk in my area. I’ll keep these things in mind as I get to that point in my month. We have goats too. 😉 We’ve not been using the milk yet, but can in the near future.
Jennifer, I am just getting the opportunity to read your post. Let me first say that I love your transparency and vunerability in putting yourself out there. I think that’s what we all need at times. I love how you listen to your body, and then respond to what you feel is best to do, and that you pray, and allow God to really speak to you. I’m sure this journey has it’s difficult moments, and many frustrations, but it’s wonderful to see you rise above it, where most would just quit or give up. What he starts in us, he WILL complete…finish. You influence more than you know, and inspire even more, I’m sure. I am praying for you, and asking God to heal your body from whatever is going on, and to show you what is needed for total health. Thank you for sharing your story, your heart, and your journey with us. It’s such a blessing to know you. Lisa 🙂
Thanks for your friendship. I appreciate the encouragement and prayer! 😉
Thank you again for sharing your journey. I have been praying for you daily for several months as you have shared your life. Praying that God will heal you and help you to discover the answers for you to move forward with your healthy life in Him.
Your sister in Christ,
WOW, Deb! That’s so humbling. Thank you!
I have done at least 3-4 elimination diets in my life. The first in college showed milk/milk products. In my 30s it added eggs to what I was allergic to. The others didn’t show anything new. But blood testing showed soy during menopause–but I was able to add milk & eggs back to my diet (I had already figured out that I could tolerate them again, but it took a blood test to find the culprit) now my only allergy is to mammal meat (Alpha Gal from a tick bite) But I have not had success losing wt from menopause w THM. Or any of the other plans I have tried–Eat Clean Diet and others. I have also done more focusing on the Healthy part of the book. I am on bioidentical female hormone cream and compounded thyroid lozenge (porcine) I do hope you will be able to find what is bothering you! It can be like looking for a needle in a stack of sewing pins sometimes!! I will say that I was able to heal from my milk allergy when it returned (the soy and egg gone in their own) by using the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for 2 months. Lots of bone broth and no grains/sugars/starches. So don’t despair if it is dairy that you react to! Blessings on your journey!
Thank you, Paila! Love your insight.
Jennifer what a great post and what you say is so true. I am getting ready to start my THM journey with a group from church. I’ve had the book for over a year but couldn’t quite get in the right mindset to follow through. I love reading your posts and you always post such yummy food pictures…many of which I hope to try. I am in this for HEALTH, I currently take a lot of meds and that’s one thing I hope to change. It is encouraging to see that there are alternatives to conventional medicine. Thank you so much for posting! Blessings from one Ohio girl to another 🙂
Thanks Donna! 🙂 I’m sure you’ll do great!!
Jennifer, it’s almost freaky how similar our stories are! A hearty “amen” from this corner about hoping dairy is not the culprit. After 20 years of struggling with multiple health issues, 1.5 yrs being thm, and not seeing even the minimal results a girl should expect, I shelled out the big bucks to see a naturopath. Found out I’m in stage 2 adrenal fatigue, progesterone is right next to a big fat ZERO, am estrogen dominant, and have low dheas. And he also wants me to cut out dairy, wheat, and peanuts for now to see if they are culprits. THANKYOU for your encouraging post…only God knows how badly I needed it today. I wish you all the best, and courage for the journey.
I just read this article! Great!!! I have been unfaithfully doing THM since October of last year. I had major surgery and well all those meals brought to me, yeah did me in. Once i fell off, i fell hard. after several months of health issues, body aches and pain from the sugar, i got back on plan, much more faithful….. i say this in retrospect to falling hard again last week :/ anyways, i know i need to rely more on God through this journey as I know He is the one who put me on it. OH how weak my flesh is lol Anyways, I am a big mama, THM mama that is. I have easily 120 lbs to lose. I also know i have a diseased penial gland, adrenal gland and low thyroid. I have seen huge differences in my overall health since doing THM. I feel amazing, still tired, but awesome! I was always scared to have any other tests done because i dont want to hear those dreaded words…… you will never lose all your weight because of these issues. I would rather die. I know bad eating, no exercise, and these diseased organs have led to my 100 lb+ weight gain and failure to lose it. Anyways, I’m praying for you that God will show you all that is needed to be done to help you on your journey. Pray I will rely more on Him and that these issues wont hinder my weight loss.
Don’t give up…EVER, Laurie! You can do it! I started at over 300 pounds and still have half way to go in my losing. Don’t let any doc tell you you can’t. I think being our own advocate is really important. Keep researching and pushing to get answers. 😉 We will both get there!
Too funny. We are going through the same thing right now. I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto’s AutoImmune disease Thyroditus. I am going through the Elimination diet as well. My hormone levels are post-menopausal as well and my Vitamin D is way low, as well as my iron. My blood is “sweet” as the doctor would say.
I love THM and I have been following it for 2 years as well. I believe it has spurred my learning about nutrition. I like you reference it non-stop. I love how it has helped me take baby steps from a Drive Thru Sue to a more purist mindset. I now make Kefir, Kombucha, Sauercraut, and I have mastered Sourdough bread. I feel like a Kitchen Ninja. Hi-ya. He he. But when I recieved my diagnosis, I felt like I was kicked in the face. Ouch.
I was wondering if you have ever read about Low Glycemic sweeteners and thier effect on your glucose levels. What I have read explains it like this. Your brain senses something sweet, so your body gets ready for new glucose coming in and clears out the old glucose from your muscles. Then we eat our Muffin in a Mug or whatever it is that is sweetened with Stevia or other non-caloric sweetener but there is no glucose provided. Its like we are playing April Fools Jokes on our bodies. Well, then our cortisol is called in to save the day and grabs glucose from wherever he can to keep our bodies running. If we are doing this all day everyday, no wonder our bodies are tanked. That is my theory on Stevia. I would like to get some of your ideas on this. I love Stevia. I used it everyday for everything for 2 years. But now, I am wondering if that was such a good choice. So here I am with you on the elimination diet. Honestly, I feel like THM even helped prepare me for this part of the journey too. I feel like I am learning so much. Honestly, I don’t miss the sweetness of sugar or stevia or even dessert. I am so concentrated on healing that saying no to those temptations are easy. I am saying yes to health. Go and be strong Jennifer.
Thanks Jennifer! I feel as you do. I’d not be this far or even looking into all of this if I’d not been on THM and learning all I have about health. I have heard that info on sweeteners from it floating around the boards. If I find where Pearl’s thoughts are on that, I’ll let you know here. Hoping we both find answers!
Thank you so much for sharing. I am new to this journey of better health for my family and myself. I have been recently diagnosed with Hashimotos and have struggled for years with PCOS and endemetriosis and feeling crushed by it all. You have given me encouragement by opening your self up to others. Thank you again. Praying you see Him in each moment giving you strength for the journey.
I know that crushing feeling. You can do it!
Did THM cause your medical issues? I am about to start this journey, but I’ve read that a lot of women seem to encounter health issues once they begin this new way of eating. It’s gotten me a bit scared, to be honest. Thank you!
No way! THM is why I started to figure out what my health issues were. The chapter on thyroid and other health issues was an eye opener that made me know what to test. If it wasn’t for THM, I’d not have known. Don’t be scared. This plan is amazing and the easiest I’ve been on. I’ve been eating this way for over 2.5 years.
thank you so very much! i appreciate your reply. 🙂