34 Responses to “Finding Joy in a Stall”
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Hiccup in the Journey | A Home with Purpose!
[…] Purpose. You’ve seen posts about: Saying Goodbye to the Scale, Lessons From a Cheat and Finding Joy in a Stalling. With much effort and determination, I hope one day I will able to share those huge victories in […]
Spot on! Right with you, mama, and praying this time of learning gets ever more joy-filled. 🙂
Thank you Conney!! 🙂
Hugs from Kentucky! I have enjoyed reading your blog this year and your meat roma pie recipe is a staple in our house. The thm lifestyle has changed my life too, the weight loss has only been a part of it. Thank you for sharing your story 🙂
Well, I love hugs, Laura!! Thank you!
Thank you for being so candid and honest in your posts!! So many of us want there to be a quick fix and it is just not realistic for some of us!!! I am in a 5 month stall (some, part of my making!!), but I refuse to give up on THM! I have lost 30 pounds and for now, that is enough!! It is more than I have EVER lost before!!!! I have 80 more to go…. I remind myself that it took me more than 14 years to get this way, it will take time to get the weight off!! God’s grace is truly sufficient. As I get back to the basics in my own THM journey, you have brought up some valid points for me to ponder and possibly some medical checking I need to do!!! Thank you for that!! AND….thanks for being the “fun” Admin!!!! 😉
Sweet words! You can do it!! You know you can. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your heart so authentically. I’m also in a stall and your words were exactly what I needed to hear today. Blessings!
Thank you, Diane! I’m so thankful for that!!
Beautiful testimony. In all of your bloodwork did you test for the mthfr mutation?
No, but I did ask for it to be tested. My mom and brother both have it. I’m assuming I do as well with my symptoms.
My, what a sweet spirit you have. I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts on FB, and yes, I could always tell you’re a fun Admin, and I’ve borrowed recipes from you before. But I’ve never actually followed your blog, because I lack time. But I’m going to make a better effort. I’m losing slowly, and have stalls for several weeks at a time, and then lose one pound. But, like you, I don’t care! I love THM and what it’s done for me. Praise God! I plan to eat like this until Jesus comes back! Hugs from Illinois!
Thanks Bonnie. 🙂 Hugs back!
I believe God’s word says it best, “I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me”. Phil. 4:13 Blessings for you.
This was such an encouraging post, Jen. While I hope you can soon find the answer to your stall and keep on moving, I’m so happy for you that you have found contentment right now. Blessings<3
PS-I'm sharing this post. 🙂
Thank you, Briana! I appreciate your encouragement!
Great things to think on….
Thanks Kimi!
Thank you for sharing! I too have been doing THM and will be coming up to my 2 yr anniversary in Jan. The first year I lost 80 pounds pretty easy. It started coming off really quick and then after about 6 months slowed down. January of 2014 rolled around and I was so excited to get below 200. I was 210 at the time. I did NOT lose any weight pretty much the whole year BUT I did maintain. Yes, others look at it as a stall but I’m thrilled that I did not gain the weight back. This last year because of a heavy travel schedule I did not stay on plan as much as I did the first year. But I made the best choices I could under the circumstances.
However, in October I had two cortisone shots in my foot and OH MY!!! that messed me up. I’m still recovering from it. But your post on doing testing and being proactive about our health is timely and reminding me that I can take action. I put on about 10 lbs after the shot and have lost about 4 but I think I’m entering menopause and am noticing other things happening and since I know I can lose weight I know something else is at work since I’m not losing it as easily as I did.
Through it all I can say I love to eat the THM way and even if I don’t lose another pound will continue to eat this way because how much better I feel overall. Yes, I’d like to lose another 50 – 60 pounds but what I’m learning on this journey is much more and far better than losing the weight super quick. Although if that were to happen again I wouldn’t mind. 🙂
It’s encouraging to know others are in similar situations. Praying you will find answers. I’m glad to know I am not alone.
My two years is on January 7th! Getting close! I hope you find some answers as well and can lose the rest you are wanting to lose. I agree, I love THM food too!
Thanks for the update, I had been worried. Your words have struck my heart and your Scripture choices sang to me. Thank you. The wisdom of struggling is far more key to me now than the wisdom of success.
Awe..thanks Dana!
Thank you for this post. I think it is important for us to be able to read the unvarnished truth and not just the “I’ve lost 60 lbs. in 3 months” post, which, honestly, I find depressing because I lise SO slowly and have to fight for every pound.
May God bless you on your journey. I’m actually terrified to go to the doctor because I’m pretty sure they would diagnose me as Type 2 diabetic. I’m hopeful following the plan and losing some weight will help that.
Thank you for all you do.
I hope through doing THM you won’t have to face the Type 2 diagnoses. It does really work! Slow and steady! Glad to be on this journey with you.
Thank you so much for your story. Spiritual health comes first. Physical health is next. There is so much healing needed in this old body. Not sure if the trim will ever happen. HUGS
Terry, take heart! Just work on it one day at a time!
Thank you so much for posting this. Today is the day before Thanksgiving but I am feeling so down and exhausted – mentally and spiritually. For the past few months, I’ve been under severe stress due to some family issues and family health issues. Too much to go into…but God knows all the details. Well, now my health is under attack it seems. And I’ve been on a weight loss stall for the past few months too, probably because of the stress. I know in my heart that God holds my future and is in control…but my human emotions are just raw and exhausted. Isn’t God just like that to give us encouragement right when we need it most? He is sooooo awesome. Even though I’ve been feeling low, I have that song stuck in my head and heart called 10,000 Reasons. (Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul, worship His holy name…) So, I am drawing close to Him as well. Let’s fight the good fight together, Sister!
Tracy, you just quoted one of my favorite songs! 🙂 I know exactly what you mean with stress and family. My adrenal issues are a result partly to some major extended family things. It was the hardest time I’ve faced in quite a while. Stress CAN totally stall us out. Hugs from Ohio!
Have you developed a goiter as a result of low thyroid condition?
Not that I know of.
Just wanted to let you know that at 64 I still need encouragement and your page is so sweet and your post is so encouraging. Don’t ever forget sweet warrior princess that God is Good all the time, and your true enemy is the devil, the liar and the father of lies who only comes to kill steal and destroy. God does not ever take anything good from His children, only the devil does that. It is our job to resist the devil and find the promises in His Word to hook our faith on and speak His Word to our body, our mind, our spirit and our world. continue to praise God and continually be rejoicing and thanking Him that is the best weapon we have against old, weak nothing , no power devil. May you be ever Blessed “with every Good and Perfect Blessing for life and Godliness.” May you “always abound to every Good Work.” and your Path “grow(s) brighter and brighter until the Noonday.”
God “Bless You richly in that everything you put your hand to that it may prosper!” and “No weapon formed against you prosper!” NEVER GIVE UP!! YOU WIN AS LONG AS YOU DON’T QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keaven, thank you so much for blessing me with your beautiful words. Very encouraging.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I began THM in May of ’13. I lost 30 lbs. in the first four-six months. Over the following year, I began to be discouraged because my weight loss completely stalled (I was hoping to lose 15 more). As I “cheated” a little more often, 10 lbs. have crept back on very slowly over the last few months of the year. Now with diligent eating and regular exercise, NOTHING is happening and I have been so discouraged! Well, nothing other than a few stressful episodes with my children’s health and a recent diagnosis of a bad gall bladder, now with surgery scheduled. Your testimony makes me wonder if my recently diagnosed health issues (I haven’t felt well for about 9 months now) just might be the reason that my body has failed to lose. I have spent the week looking for an alternative diet plan, but now I think I’ll work on healing and sticking to THM. Thank you!
Good to hear this! 🙂 You may want to find a doc that will work with you in finding food sensitivities and hormone testing. I did my own Thyroid panel ordered online for a tiny fraction of what the doc would charge at http://www.healthyonelabs.com…and took it in. Did you read my Hiccup in the Journey post? That may help too.