There are most certainly moments in life that are harder than others. Moments that you feel you've been punched in the gut as your air is sucked out of your lungs. Finger tips becoming tingly as panic sets in and the room begins to wobble and spin. I don't know what life altering circumstances
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Nothing can prepare your heart for the day you lose a child. You can dream up all the best scenarios and how you are going to handle that day, but when it shows up at your door...it's different. We knew it was coming, but in our case we were a bit blindsided on the day it happened. We
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This past year can be summed up a few different ways. Even though it's been wonderful and challenging, we always see God's hand and His goodness. He is so faithful to us. When we are hurting because of things His own hand has brought into our lives, He is there to comfort us. No pain is
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Hi guys! I know..it's been awhile. I wanted to make you aware of a Pay-In or Just Weigh-In game I'm playing in my A Home With Purpose- Family Group on Facebook. I'm making $0 off the challenge so don't think a second thought on that idea. I'm actually losing a bit by giving away a
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I fall deeply in love every single time. Every child. Every time they enter our doors. Short stay, weeks or months...it really doesn't matter to my heart. When a child comes into the system, the agency is alerted and they immediately set out to find a matching family. When you
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