Welcome to my website, A Home With Purpose! I am sure some of you have not been here before and have come to join me as we read, Made to Crave. I am so thankful that you are here. Most of the ladies reading with me are following the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle. If you want to know more about it you can by clicking on Trim Healthy Mama to visit their website.
Let me introduce myself! My name is Jennifer Griffin. I am a 39 year old stay at home mom living in Ohio! I have a wonderful husband, Shan that I've been married too for 15 years! I have two ornery boys that are seven and thirteen years old. I homeschool them, which keeps me busy! I love the Lord very, very much and long to walk closely with Him each day. I have struggled with emotional eating since I was a little girl. I have been on so many diets...I can't even name them all! Weight watchers, Atkins, Formula 3, Jenny Craig are just a few of the big plans I'd been on. I started THM about 17 months ago and God has truly used it to transform my life. I'm down about 75 pounds now but, have a ways to go! God is truly sanctifying me through the process as I've been stalled for quite awhile now. I am working with the doctor to resolve some hormonal issues so I can get back on track in losing. Here is my 75 pound post if you want to see pictures of my journey so far! I just wanted you to know a little about me before we started!
Let's get the show on the road!! The first step is watching this video of Lysa, the author!
Click here to watch the 20 minute video!! Made to Crave- Week 1
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Week one's word is : EMPOWERMENT
Here's a free printable of the word of the week for your fridge if you want it! Empowerment Printable.
Our verse for this week is Psalm 84:2. If you want to memorize it, go for it! Hiding God's word in your heart is a HUGE blessing. I used the ESV version below but, feel free to use the version of your choice. You can save this picture to your desktop, print it off, etc.

What will the week look like? You can choose to go at your own pace. I know many are super busy! The Participation Guide gives a great set of suggestions on what to do daily.
- Day 1: Read and Reflect: Read the introduction and Chapter 1! Journal your notes. (Monday)
- Day 2: What's Going On Here? Pages 19-22 of the Participants guide. (Tuesday)
- Day 3: Read and Reflect: Read Chapter 2 of Made to Crave. Journal your notes! (Wednesday)
- Day 4: Replacing My Cravings: Pages 23-26 of our Participants Guide (Thursday)
- Day 5: Read and Reflect: Read Chapter 3 of Made to Crave. Journal your notes! (Friday)
- Day 6: Getting a Plan: Pages 27-30 of the Participants Guide (Saturday)
If you don't have a Participants Guide you can still read along with us and learn SO much. Just take some notes on what you are learning in each chapter and share those with us each week as we go!
If you want to join in you still have time! You can pick up the books at a local Christian Bookstore or on Amazon! The Made to Crave website has them as well. You can find some links on the Event Page to buy books on Amazon.
Each week we will meet back here on a Monday! I will post the next video to watch, the word of the week, verse of the week and discussion among us in the comments about what all God is teaching us (at the end of the week)! I am not a bible teacher but, a friend facilitating this book study for you. I do read each comment before I post it on my website. If you do NOT want your comment made public, please make it clear in your message to me (DO NOT POST). You can also feel free to leave me messages via email(contact me area) or on my A Home With Purpose Facebook Message area to keep things private.
Happy reading!! I look forward to hearing from you all throughout the week! You can feel free to post on here or on the event page. Just know that on the event page your other Facebook friends may be able to see your comments. Let's pray for our group as we go. May God be glorified in our lives!
** Come to THIS post to share what you learned at the end of the week!
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About Jennifer
Hello there! I’m Jennifer and Welcome to my website – A Home with Purpose. My passion is sharing Christ’s Love and recipes with my Trim Healthy Mama friends. Learn more about me here...
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Incredible first video. I am excited for the next week and the discussion to follow. <3
I just spent the past hour or so watching the video and completing the questions in the Participant’s Guide. I was tearful listening to Lisa’s words and really letting God speak to me through Matthew 19:16-26 and 1 Peter 2:11. I knew the wrong foods were waging war on my body physically, but I never considered the spiritual warfare taking place. The mentality of “just one bite won’t hurt” is so untrue. Also, I completed the Assessing My Soul Activity on p. 14. Before I started THM (1/22/14), I would have checked every single question. Now, I only check about 3/4 of them. With God’s help, the MTC Bible Study, a THM lifestyle and the support of all of you, I will reduce those checks even further! 🙂
Thank you for leading this study! I will try to follow along as often as I am able.
Praising God that He brought this in HIS perfect timing! Thank you for posting the link for the printable….I couldn’t find it on the website. Starting the day yearning, even fainting to be in Gods presence!!
Thank you for leading this study. I have been through this book before but I continue to struggle. I am rereading the book and joining you for this online study. I feel like I am reading part of my story when I read your blog. I appreciate your honesty. Praying for you and everyone in the study.
I watch the video I bought the kindle edition of the book and will get the guide next. Thank you for doing this! I need this!
Decided to look up and read all of Psalm 84. What a powerful song! The word “blessed” means happy in these particular verses.. I felt such peace in verse 5, “Blessed (happy) are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.” This reminds me of Matthew 5:4, “Blessed (happy) are those who mourn (a grief that so takes possession of the whole being that it cannot be hid)for they will be comforted (a divine instruction, strength, and encouragement).” I am all about looking up the original word usage because our language seems to lose a lot of meaning and emotional connection to the words.
It is through these verses that I find hope in finding my “want to”. Rejoice ladies as we go through this journey together, God promises us divine instruction and strength if we earnestly seek Him!!
Ok, I am a little behind here and trying to catch up this morning while DH and baby sleep.
I got to the part about personifying your craving. I didn’t think I could at first as I couldn’t see my craving as a mean little creature chasing me with candy bars. I saw my craving as this cute jolly little man sitting on my shoulder whispering excuses into my ear, reasons as to why I could eat the temptation, patting me on the back for all the past times I did good, telling me I’m beautiful anyway, telling me my fears are unfounded and to not worry about the ‘little things’ like eating three dinner rolls in instead of a real supper. I even saw the little jolly man sitting on my back as I did push ups and telling me I was above exercise. There is no reason I need to do this, I’m pushing myself harder then I need too.
Then I realized something. This jolly little fellow was only echoing the exact things my mother used to tell me. This may sound crazy as I am a 29 year old married woman but now I am scared out of my mind. You see, my mother is a very very sick woman physically. She never took care of her health and is now close to 400 lbs. You can see why I’m scared. Really scared. Where do I go from here? I don’t want my mother in my head the rest of my life. Given her history I don’t think her advice is sound. any advice? please help
~scared and trembling on my corner of the couch this morning…
PTL. I always marvel at God’s timing and who He uses for His good. Thanks so much Jen for doing this study. What a gift God has given this group by using you to help others. This has actually brought tears to my eyes. I just now realized that my craving for food is what a God has used to bring me closer to Him and control my unhealthy eating habits. I have a blessed life therefore have taken a somewhat moderate approach to getting to know God closer. This study has revealed to me that my obesity is what will lead me to wanting to really get to know and become more like Him.
I have been looking for an online made to crave bible study and came across this one. Judging from the date, it may be too late to join. I have read up to chapter 3 but would like to read and participate along with a group. The more that I read, the more I understand that God wants us to surrender everything to Him, including our food choices. I do feel better when I eat the way I should be which also affects my energy and desire to serve Him better. Blessings!