- I have many "sweet" weight loss goals to celebrate.
- I have many "sweet" non-scale victories that thrill my heart.
- I eat yummy sugar-free desserts all the time that are delish!

- Gwen's Nest is one of my all time favorites! If you want more info on the plan you can easily find it on her blog!
- Trim Healthy Mama's Pinterest boards are FULL of awesome THM friendly recipes! They are categorized so well and easy to navigate!
- Sheri Graham's blog has some GREAT recipes!
- Amanda at Counting All Joy has a beautiful testimony and good eats too!

You look terrific, but I bet you feel even better. I started out about the same size you were in your before photo. I’ve lost about 30 with THM and 20 before that. I’ve been stalled out since the beginning of November. We’ve had some family crises and of course, Thanksgiving. Unlike previous weight loss diets, I’m not giving up. I know I’ll lose again because I’m on-plan most of the time. It’s just slow.
Thanks for sharing and encouraging.
Merry Christmas
Laura Lane
Harvest Lane Cottage
P.S. My daughter wants to know why you have a pea pod on your blog. ~smile~
Great job, Laura!! I feel the same way on THM. This is the first time I’ve not given up. 3 hours later you can easily be back on track!! I’m glad you are sticking with it!!! You will get through your stall! It takes a while at times but, it will happen! The plan works!
Tell your daughter that I have two boys..so I found a pea pod with two peas in it! 🙂
Thanks for your posts. I read every one. I’m still praying that the Lord will give me the ability to start the journey. I’m so afraid of failure that I just keep living in my old ways. I hoping to get the book for Christmas! Your picture is lovely!
Thank you, Lyn! I know what that feeling of failure feels like. I know how hard it can be to start something new! Praying you can do it!! Contact me if you need any help as you start!
Thanks for sharing your journey and stepping up to serve with THM. I am on a month stall, and it is hard to stay focused. It has taught me to focus on the bigger picture of health and how I feel, rather than watching the scale move down. 4 1/2 months for me, 30 pounds gone, a pound a week, or a pound a month . . . I’m excited for the healing in my body.
That is the attitude to have!!!! 🙂 30 pounds is great!!! I bet you are feeling so much better already!
Thank you for sharing this with me. I needed this today. I lost 20lbs in 5 months and have been at a stand still since July (about the time Karin was diagnosed with MSA and Triple Negative Breast Cancer). I am an emotional eater and exerciser. Stress is a huge factor in my metabolism and food choices. Your journey is inspiring, since I know how much you have over come in your life. You are a blessing! Keep up the good work. I love you, friend!!
Praying for you and Karin!! So glad it was an encouragement to you today!!! Love you too!
Great life story!!! Proud of you my friend! I live to hear your stories and your excitement!!! Share away! Love ya! Keep up the great work!!!
Thank you Angela!! Love you too!
You are such an inspiration. I have so much to lose that I am so discouraged, but my health is suffering and my depression is at an all time low. I have attempted THM but have not been able to stick with it, probably out of being lazy. 🙁 I know I can’t do it w/o God and maybe that’s where i’m lacking too, i’m not turning to Him in my weakness. Do you have a suggestion as to where/how to start (again)? I am a SAHM of 4 bio and 2 foster kiddos, stress is high, money is tight, time is low! Thank you! Feel free to email me shalvors7 (at) gmail (dot)com I would love to connect with someone who “gets it”.
I will email you, Stephanie!
Thanks for the encouragement and for sharing. Thanks, too, for the meal suggestions for Trim Healthy Mama. I’e had the book for several months and still seem overwhelmed how to get going. Love reading all the testimonies and seeing all the progress. Now it’s time to put that knowledge into practice and lose weight myself. Thank you.
You are welcome, Virginia! If I can do it you can!!! I get the book out ALL the time and refresh myself on everything. Go back through it again..at least the first 11 chapters with a highlighter! It helps! 🙂
Thank you for posting this. I started THM 3 weeks ago and as of today I am 8 lbs down and have about 100 lbs total to lose. Your steadfastness is an encouragement to me as I know that I have a lofty goal – but your testimony reminds me that I can do it!
Thanks Lindsey!! You can do it!! You’ve got a great start already!
Thank you so much for sharing. You look so amazing and are an inspiration to me. I really need some help getting started. I have the book and I’m so overwhelmed. Can you please help me? Thank you, Chris
Feel free to email me! I’d love to help you.
Beautiful Lady inside and OUT! WOW! What a heart touching testimony you have 🙂 You are an amazing woman Jen! I am glad that I have had the chance to “work” with you and am excited to continue this journey! You bless everyone that you speak to 🙂 How precious you are!
Thank you for your sweet words, Amanda! I feel the same about you!
Jennifer you post is so inspiring. I have started reading the book but I’m not really sure where or how to start it does feel a little overwhelming. I would like to get any advice you have on starting. My email address is mrosa0611@gmail.com
Melissa, I will try to email you today!
A friend let me borrow her copy of THM and I’ve felt so unsure of where to start. It is so nice to see a story of someone who has more than 20 or 30 pounds to lose. I’ve got somewhere around 80 to 100 pounds to lose. Any advice would be great!! ningrlpwr@hotmail.com Sometimes I just feel so lost when it comes to all this.